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Friday, March 09, 2007

Plastic Paddy Amateur Scribbling Awards

Last weekend I went to the Irish Blog Awards http://awards.ie/blogawards/ although my blog would not be particularly suitable for entry, hence I didn't. Enter that is. Being born and raised in London (even though my father is from Co Meath) hardly qualifies me as truly allowed to claim green guiness runs through my veins, and as for being a blogger, well REAL bloggers take it seriously, giving thought and consideration to each post, probably spending time researching what they are writing. They assumedly also care about attracting as many comments as possible wheras I am glad if I get the occasional one from someone I haven't bribed, threatened or nagged into doing it.

So why the devilish blazes was I at the awards? Well, I went with my boyfriend who is proper Irish and a proper blogger (check out his intellectual and erudite posts at http://thelonglane.blogspot.com) so I felt like a bit of a non-person and that everyone was going to talk to him rather than me (not a good feeling for someone who likes to chat as much as I do). I got into conversation with a French lady who is doing a PhD on blogging (what a good idea) and said a brief hello to Mick Fealty of the Slugger O'Toole variety www.sluggerotoole.com (although he was a bit confused when I tapped him on the shoulder shouting "Hey Slugger" and he then wisely proceeded to talk to Ciaran instead). I also met the lovely Red Mum http://redmum.blogspot.com whose excellent blog I have now looked at properly. I was very much looking forward to meeting Twenty Major http://twentymajor.blogspot.com who I think well deserved the award for best blog. However I was rather dissappointed that he was a clean cut well spoken youngish gentleman....I had been rather hoping for a tennement dwelling filthy foul odourous old geezer......sigh.....



Blogger CW said...

You should be careful what you wish for, Lorainne!

5:39 AM  
Blogger Lula Bell said...

Go ahead and claim the green guinness blood Lorainne. You're closer to the real thing than most Irish Americans who seem to think they own this island.

4:25 AM  
Blogger Lady Fotherington-Smethers said...

Lula bell.....you have changed your name and your blogname!!! I like it, although I liked the old names too.

Yes the Irish Americans are funny - even if their great great great grandfather's cousin twice removed emigrated hundreds of years ago they still think they are entitled to say

"Sure and begrorrah"

in stupid sounding leprechaun accents.

My cousin from the Republic of Ireland visited the USA and an American lady apparrently said to him:

"Oh you are from Ireland are you? You speak SUCH good English!!"

8:33 AM  

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